A jack-in-the-box takes control of his life
I gotta pull myself together, man,
gotta get connected.
Find a place to plug in -
I’m leaking all over the place, spilled in the void.
I lose my senses, I come to my senses.
I sort through slippery pieces of Mind, like sorting through
pieces of a smashed kaleidoscope.
But I’m a happy, happy guy!
Things could not be better.
I am having the TIME of my LIFE.
I have no complaints.
Most of the panic has worn off.
A jack-in-a-box tries to take control of his life. (Once I get out of this damn box)
I listen to radio, I read the paper, I watch TV, and I forget most of the news I consume - it passes right through me like a greasy lunch. Or just gives me a stomachache.
Even what I remember, I don’t believe.
Even what I believe, I don’t know what it means,
If I know what it means, it freaks me out.
Its all falling apart, I think.
But all the facts have been shredded and the experts are jumping off buildings and 95% of americans think that God is also an American.
So open wide the doors to Christ -
Jesus has left the building.
Most of the panic has worn off and we’ve returned to the ordinary life and death situation and its not so hard to forget -
the empire is ruined,
our rulers are naked,
and they lost the real war,
and the TERROR is below the skin
and the ITCH will be scratched.