“God will not guide those whom he confounds.”
Qur’an: 16:37
Let us now bow our heads, close our eyes, and imagine the ears of an anthropomorphic deity so that we may whisper into them.
Cosmic Parent, who fathers and mothers us from Beyond our understanding,
we bring to you today our demands and our requests, our complaints and our concerns, our questions and our cofusions.
We ask that you guide us on the path home and not confound us and let us lose our way.
We beg you to not destroy us but to create with us a world that will make everyone happy.
do not leave us up shit creek with no paddle, but get us home in time for dinner and prime time, and a good night’s sleep.
But its your universe, who are we to say?
Do what you want.
WHAT, if anything, is THAT which IS “beyond” our god images? Beyond our pictographs language dogma thought habits? Beyond the idols of our conceptual apparatus -- and out of our minds? GOD behind GOD? Each generation constructs its gods. Collective imaginations create a variety of gods to choose from in the spiritual supermarket, a wide range of Ultimate Realities.
OR do you believe tere is an infinite gulf between human imagination and its divine source? Between the constructions of human consciousness and revealed absolute truth?
Does a scripture stamped in eternal iron cover your sky? Whose poetic imagination wrote this? Who speaks the WORD that both names and cripples you?
We believed that at the END of TIME we would all wake up from collective dream and like a light would come on inside each of us and for the first time in our lives we would SEE WHERE we really are and we would see THAT WHICH IS face to face and we would see each other face to face and we’d be citizens in the NEW GLOBAL CITY of PEACE, man, and the words “Ultimate Reality” seemed to mean something to us. It meant that which we hunger after because we are wandering lost in the shadow world’s dark delusion. So we crawl on our knees, or carry our crosses, and offer our meagre treasures. We wanted to be able to click on the god icon in our brains and be in the Presence, encountering the Eternal.
“Are we to renounce our gods for the sake of a mad poet?” Qur’an: 37
The Lord,
your God,
is One.
Meditate on One.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Concentrate, focus, on
One, each one, each
breath is One.
One, only one.
One alone.
Centered on one.
One point at the center
of concentric circles
of concentered con-
A still pool.
The breath of One on the surface of the water.
The human species is a dysfunctional family ripped apart by oedipal patricidal rages and fratricidal sibling feuds
ever since we children of the One were evicted from the garden by the divine landlord and two half brothers started quarrelling over whom Dad chose to sacrifice to God, or whatever started it all millennia past, started the endlessly spinning cycle of retaliations and real estate disputes.
Breathe in
Breathe out
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